13 October – 8 December 2019 Yering Station 38 Melba Hwy Yarra Glen 3775 Australia

Recycled safety-net, pine needles, thread.
Size:variable (8m x 230cm x 15cm fully extended)
Created in Billilla gardens during my 2017/18 Bayside Artist Residency, Refuge embodies migration, resilience and shelter. This work is made of fallen pine needles both thickly matted on the floor and threaded into a discarded trampoline safety-net. The tree that provided the needles is a migrant pine species from the Canary Islands off Africa. Unique in shape as a result of a lightning strike in 1918, it is listed on the National Trust register for its ‘curious form’ and celebrated for its difference. Although bearing the scars of a survivor, it is appreciated for its beauty and contribution of shade and shelter for birds, possums, insects and humans in the public garden where it grows. Many people worked with me under this tree to create Refuge and in doing so celebrate difference, community and contribution.