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‘Landscape Constructed’ 4 March 2017 – 12 June 2017 Warrnambool Art Gallery

A selection of 3D and 2D works from Warrnambool Art Gallery’s permanent collection.

‘One of Warrnambool Art Gallery’s most famous paintings, Tower Hill by Eugene von Guerard (1855) is the earliest pictorial record we have of Tower Hill. As such, it is used as a primary source of evidence used by rangers today to reconstruct, rehabilitate and re-vegetate the site which was once denuded and destroyed by European settlers.  However accurate this painting is (over 15 specific native plant species can be identified in the work), the fact remains that Tower Hill is being reconstructed through the vision of von Guerard.
This exhibition takes a look at how landscapes are constructed and de-constructed all the time both physically and in our imaginations. The works chosen depict different aspects of the Australian landscape such as the rugged coastline of the southwest, the Dreamtime YawkYawk, the plantations of the Portland area and the stunning sunsets and sunrises of our region.’

James Gleeson ‘Sky Divisions Gathering’ 1989

Carmel Wallace ‘Forests to Have and to Hold’ 2012



Beached Verandah exhibition @ Wishart Gallery in Port Fairy

My verandah was laden with materials gathered from the tideline. Although used regularly in my artwork, this beach-found collection grew at a seemingly exponential rate!   Beached Verandah was devised as an innovative project that would make creative use of my beach gleanings. It drew artists together and provided them with a rare opportunity to work with one person’s collection from a particular place – Discovery Bay in southwest Victoria. The project immersed artists in this coastal environment, encouraging them to share knowledge and explore unfamiliar materials and techniques. The outcome is individual and collaborative sculptures and installations about the place the materials were collected from and the environmental issues they are indicative of. It was wonderful to have the opportunity of working with these artists and sharing my beach-found collection with them.