Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lake Suite

Exhibition: 15 May – 3 June 2013; Performance: Saturday 1 June 2013 from 4-5pm

The Art Vault, 43 Deakin Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, Australia

Lake Suite is a visual and musical interpretation of life around Lakes Mungo, Hattah and Hawthorn. It explores the environmental, social and cultural significance of these lakes with deep connections across place and time.  The project includes an artist residency and evolving exhibition over three-weeks at The Art Vault complex in Mildura. The local community is encouraged to engage with the developing exhibition and influence its outcome. People of various ages, interests and expertise will contribute to the work, joining excursions and workshops; telling stories of their connections to one or more of these lakes; and visually expressing their stories in their contributions to the cloaks.The form of the cloak was chosen as an ideal repository of memories, allowing expression not only of outer, public narratives, but also of inner, often hidden and more personal stories.  The event will include a performative introduction of each cloak by a member of the local community along with a musical presentation of Lake Suite composed for the project by Ben Rogers, Nikki Scarlett & Jack Rogers. 
If you are interested in participating in the Lake Suite project, email: [email protected]

See: One River Project Website


SymbioticA Luminous Night Print Restrospective

February 2013, The University Club of Western Australia, Hackett Drive, Perth, W.A.

As part of UWA’s Luminous Night centenary celebrations SymbioticA showcases work spanning the lifetime of the Centre, including new work from 2012, in print form.

Artists include: ORLAN, The Tissue Culture and Art Project, The SymbioticA research group, BioKino, Loren Kronemeyer, Donna Franklin, Abhishek Hazra, Carmel Wallace, Heley Pynor & Peta Clancy, Audrey Appudurai, Paul Vanouse, Nigel Helyer, Neurotica Collective, Verena Kaminiarz, Tarsh Bates, Guy Ben-Ary & Kirsten Hudson.

SymbioticA Luminous Night Print Restrospective

Lake Life #7
© Carmel Wallace 2013

Sculpture 2012 BRAVE NEW WORLD

27 November 2012 to 13 March 2013                                                                                           Toyota Australia, 155 Bertie St., Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

the eighth annual exhibition showcasing the diversity & excellence of sculpture practice in Victoria.   Download the catalogue here:                                    

This is a Maquette Show

MARS Gallery Melbourne 8 Aug – 2 September 2012

from the MARS Gallery website:

Sculpture is the art of intelligence
‐ Pablo Picasso
[MARS] Gallery is in full swing of preparations for a unique show in August this year, a Maquette show featuring works by Australian sculptors.
The story began a few months ago, when a letter was sent every sculptor on the database and since that day we have been inundated with hundreds of e-mails and letters from sculptors all over the country, willing to be part of the show.
We are aware of the high costs associated with producing large scale works and saw this as a fantastic opportunity to not only assist with costs but also by providing a space to showcase the extraordinary ideas, talent and techniques of Australian sculptors. We encouraged sculptors to create new works, but in essence provided no guidelines or restrictions; the response has been both overwhelming and humbling.
We now have a well rounded list of emerging, mid-career and renowned artists, in no particular order, Cathyann Coady, Adrian Spurr, Matthew Harding, Jane Valentine, Jud Wimhurst, Melissa Cussell, Zoe Amor, James Kenyon, Anna Griffiths, Julie Collins, John Derrick, Bill Sampson, Greer taylor, Giles Ryder, Penny Algar, Deidre Walsh, Graeme Base, Mike Nicholls, Joanne Mott, Nicholas Jones, Geoff Ricardo, Robert Hague, Anthony Vanderzweep, Brendan Taylor, Evan Demas, Christabel Wigley, Kerry Cannon, Mimi Dennett, Tsvia Shapir, Liz Walker, Frank Malerba, Nicole Loder, Joanna O’Toole, Anton Hasell, Mattt Chaumont, Christabel Wigley, Loretta Quinn, and  Carmel Wallace.

SCOPE Galleries Art Award – Art Concerning Environment

Award Exhibition June 2 – July 15, 2012 : “In continued support of contemporary artists, SCOPE Galleries is pleased to launch the 2012 SCOPE Galleries Art Award – Art Concerning Environment. The Award is non-acquisitive and carries a cash prize of $5,000 to be awarded to one winning artwork. We are excited by the introduction of the Award and consider it exemplifies the serious approach SCOPE Galleries takes in its aim to promote contemporary art in a regional location. Congratulations to CARMEL WALLACE, winner of the 2012 SCOPE Galleries Art Award – Art Concerning Environment for her artwork entitled Forests to Have and to Hold Coinciding with the Award, Guy Abrahams presented a public lecture entitled  ‘Sustainability and the Arts’ at the Warrnambool Art Gallery on Saturday June 2.  SCOPE Galleries acknowledges the support of the Warrnambool Art Gallery in the staging of this event.  The lecture was very well received by a large cross-section of the community.  For more information on Sustainability and the Arts please go to

The humble utilitarian objects that make up this sculpture show evidence of repeated handling and daily use in the preparation of life-giving meals. It is our personal everyday connection to the natural world that sustains us and leads us to consider the bigger picture. Portland in southwest Victoria is skirted by the Cobboboonee and other precious native forests. Beyond these lie pine and blue-gum plantations. Australia imports about one-third of its forest products, often unsustainably harvested from Asian rainforests, whilst logs and wood chips gather on the Portland waterfront to be loaded on ships bound for the paper mills of Japan. Increasing recognition of the carbon-neutral qualities of timber is seeing a return to its use in the construction industry, particularly at a domestic level, but globally forests are still being carved up and destroyed at an incredible rate with catastrophic outcomes for the environment. Carmel Wallace 2012